Slacklining or how to improve your balance on a little bit of webbing...

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Book Sculpture spotted at Shorncliffe Queensland

One of the best things about travel for me, is the discovery of things to put on the 'to try out one day list'. The other day we came across a young man practising what seemed to be walking on a low but wide tightrope. Well I didn't know what it was until I went online to find out what he was on, and discovered it was called slacklining.

Image from (you can try it out there too)

Until then I had no idea what a slack line was. At first I thought he had a low tightrope and the process did seem to be similar. But when got a little closer up, I saw the wider line that he was walking on, and wellll... I have to say I was tempted for a small moment to ask if I could try it out.

Don't get me wrong, heights are an issue I would never be tempted to try this one.
Image from: National Geographic

Slacklining in action... Dominique Harrison

It's amazing, not only that people are able to balance like this, but the places they manage to set the lines up as well, must be a trick in itself. Water's got to be a good place to try it out, at least it would be a soft landing... given that you're not up to high I might add.

Speaking of tricks... don't try this out at home kiddies...

I became more and more interested and then I found this - The Ballerina Stunt...

World record-holding slackliner Faith Dickey

So who is coming with me to give this a go?