Fuzzy Broadwater Walk

Fuzzy in the car waiting for his walk - yes that is a mohawk hairdo

Fuzzy just loves his walkies and gets very excited when he starts out.
This is the Broadwater at Paradise Point

Pandanus Palm Broadwater Gold Coast

We woke up with the sun streaming through our bedroom so we headed off early to catch the early morning beauty. We were so glad we did, it was such a gorgeous morning to go for a walk.

Delightful moments watching the water

We've decided that we need to start our days earlier after our walk today. The early morning light is so beautiful as it touches the water.

After his walk, Fuzzy likes to rest with a dentabone and his toys.

Later on a lovely lunch overlooking the water with inquisitive seagulls watching...

We had two days and and a couple of gorgeous walks with Fuzzy The Black Poodle and headed off north to Gumdale.