"The story I want to tell is one of a simple, intimate, and I think, unknown Versailles - a gardener's Versailles." ~ Alain Baraton.
After a wonderful house sit not far from, and many happy hours spent at, Chateau Versailles, we came home singing it's praises. A dear friend tucked our stories into her memory banks, and surprised me with a copy of The Gardener of Versailles by Alain Baraton for Christmas.
Have a little insight into a gardener's day
Some of our memories from Versailles.
None of our hedges are safe, and are now trimmed a la Versailles. BTW Alain, I would love to have a potter in the gardens, if you invite us to house sit!
I've been having a wonderful time in my imagination wandering the gardens again with the Gardener of Versailles. How lucky we were to have spent so many hours there wandering the gardens, exploring and getting a sense of the 'enchantment' that Alain speaks of in his book. What a life you have had to have spent so many years living in Molière's former home within Versailles.
And I can imagine taking my glass of champagne to various areas in Versailles.
like Marie Antionette's Hamlet - although it could get a tad creepy on the walk back.
Alain is such a natural story teller, he weaves his story enchantingly, much like Versailles enchants many of it's visitors. It would be very entertaining to be at a dinner table with him.
Tour with Alain around Versailles, the video is in French, English subtitles are available by clicking on the cog at the bottom right hand side of the video. Enjoy.
Alain, if you ever want us to house sit, we'll be there in a minute - well actually a few hours that is given the distance from our home to yours. Thank you for the stories Alain - from our garden to yours, santé